Our Policies
Tuber Guarantee
We guarantee that tubers will have at least one eye. Please inspect your tubers immediately upon arrival and email me at sparrowglenflowers@gmail.com within 4 days if you have any concerns. After that, you assume all responsibility for the tuber(s). We are not responsible for any damage due to weather, rot, pests, poor field conditions, negligence, or plant performance.
We love our customers and strive to provide high quality tubers and a good experience for all!
Dahlia Tubers will ship in the spring once freezing temperatures are past (usually April-May). We only ship within the contiguous US.
Combining Orders
I am happy to combine your orders IF both orders are placed before I start shipping and are placed to the same shipping address. Please email me the order numbers and the name(s) used on the orders. sparrowglenflowers@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE: your shipping may be bumped into a higher category once the order is combined. I will refund the applicable amount.
We do not offer substitutions due to stock loss. If something unexpected happens with storage between your order and shipping, we will refund you the price of the tuber(s).
A Word About Virus
I strive to cultivate healthy, thriving dahlias. I regularly cull anything suspicious from my stock, and sanitize with a solution of 10% bleach when I am cutting between plants and tubers. That being said, I do not test my dahlias for virus, and I cannot guarantee virus- free dahlias. By purchasing you accept that sometimes plants get sick, and we all have to deal with virus at times.
Once an order is placed it is final. We do not accept cancellations or changes to an order after it is placed.